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The Informed Philanthropic Advisor: Helping Your Client Start a Charity

discussing philanthropic visions with a client

We know you’re the seasoned specialist when it comes to advising your clients on a range of financial and legal topics, but as we’ve discovered over the course of our The Informed Philanthropic Advisor series, the philanthropic landscape is anything but simple. 

That’s why Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc. has put pen to paper in this new informative series to ensure you can become the best possible partner to your clients when it comes to navigating the often challenging (but very rewarding!) charitable sector.

So you’ve done the legwork—what’s next? If you’ve been following along for the entire series, you know that after you’ve had the often tricky conversation about philanthropy, assisted your client in identifying an organization that aligns with their values, and helped them research to ensure the organization is legitimate, there is still lots of work to be done to properly form and execute the plan. But what if your client is looking to expand their horizons by starting their own charitable endeavour? 

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The Informed Philanthropic Advisor: Three Red Flags to Watch for to Ensure a Charity’s Legitimacy

yellow caution sign

You’ve made it to the third edition of The Informed Philanthropic Advisor! We know you’re the seasoned expert when it comes to counseling your clients on their financial and estate matters, and if you’ve been following along in this series, by now you’re well on your way to becoming a knowledgeable and skilled professional when it comes to advising on all things philanthropy.

So—you’ve had the conversation about charitable giving with your clients, and you’ve helped them to unearth and identify some causes they feel a deep connection to. What’s next? It’s time to start selecting specific organizations!

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2 Strategies For Canadians To Increase Your Philanthropic Impact


Like many Canadians, you may have identified philanthropic giving as a key priority as you develop your estate plan, but find yourself uncertain how to maximize the impact of every dollar contributed.

Similarly, you may have found yourself supporting the causes that you most care about but are also on the lookout for additional opportunities to increase your impact and create an enduring philanthropic legacy.

This article is for you—here, we discuss two strategies utilizing a life insurance policy that can help you increase your philanthropic impact.

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The Informed Philanthropic Advisor: Three Important Signs Your Client Needs Your Help

blonde woman working on a laptop

You’re the skilled specialist when it comes to crafting financial plans for your clients—but between the multifaceted tax stipulations, difficult discussions, intricate planning techniques, and the wealth of possible endeavours, philanthropic planning is anything but simple, even for the most seasoned  professional advisors.

If you had the important discussions, what’s next to becoming a subject matter expert on all things philanthropy? As we’ve explored in the previous edition of The Informed Philanthropic Advisor, if you’re not having meaningful, informed conversations around philanthropy with your clients, the research says you might risk losing them. But after you’ve bitten the bullet and planned the discussion, or even had the discussion, what’s next?

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The Informed Philanthropic Advisor: Missing Out on These Conversations with Your Clients? It Could Cost You!

Between forming a giving strategy to maximize impact, knowing how and where to give, and the complex tax stipulations that naturally come with charity work, navigating the philanthropic space can be challenging for donors even at the best of times. 

A philanthropic advisor is a vital resource for clients of all backgrounds—from those lacking detailed knowledge in the space, to those who have the experience and understanding, but may not have the time required to carry out the legwork on their own.

But giving isn’t always so easy—even for advisors. Bloom Investment Counsel understands that the intricate complexities of philanthropic endeavours from the advisor’s perspective are not discussed or acknowledged. Amid instigating that difficult initial philanthropic discussion and executing personalized client plans, we know the world of charitable giving is anything but easy. 

But did you know that negating to engage in important discussions with your clients could actually cost you your clients? In this article, we cover important discussions you may wish to have with your clients.

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