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Author: Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc.

Decreasing Your Risk with Long-Term Investing

Investing with a long-term time horizon is one of the most effective strategies for building lasting wealth. While short-term trading may offer the allure of quick profits, it can also come with significantly higher risk. Adopting a long-term mindset can decrease your overall investment risk and position you for sustainable growth over the years.

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Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning for Retirement

Retirement planning is a critical component of your financial management, and it involves setting specific financial goals and developing a strategy to meet those goals.

Unfortunately, many individuals make common mistakes during the retirement planning process, which can potentially limit their ability to enjoy a comfortable retirement. It is important to be aware of these pitfalls in order to make informed decisions and secure yourself a stable financial future.

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Tax Implications of Working Abroad for Canadians

Working in a foreign country can present Canadians with a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional development.

However, it’s crucial for Canadian citizens working abroad to be aware of the various tax implications that come with this experience. It’s important to carefully consider factors such as foreign income tax, tax treaties between Canada and the country of employment, foreign tax credits, and reporting requirements to ensure compliance with Canadian tax laws.

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Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits & Charities

Fundraising is crucial for nonprofit entities and charities to support their causes and sustain their operations. Unlike for-profit enterprises, these organizations rely heavily on the generosity of donors and supporters to finance their activities, from providing essential services to advocating for social change.

Without consistent and effective fundraising efforts, many nonprofits would struggle to cover their operational costs, let alone expand their reach or enhance their services. Thus, successful fundraising is not merely beneficial, it is crucial for the survival and growth of these organizations.

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Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc. Q2/24 Investment Market Commentary

Despite a cut in interest rates during the last quarter, the S&P/TSX Composite Index remained under pressure. While growth has struggled in Canada, it is believed that the projected interest rate cuts will lead to a positive change in the remainder of the year.

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