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Is Buying a House a Good Investment to Build Wealth?

Is Buying a House a Good Investment to Build Wealth?
Is Buying a House a Good Investment to Build Wealth?

Many people may tell you that buying a house is a good investment to build wealth—but is it, really?

Buying a house requires taking money out of your pocket for the initial purchase and an ongoing outlay of cash for property taxes, maintenance, insurance, and utilities, among others, for as long as you own the house. This article points out two additional, hidden, downsides of purchasing a house for investment purposes which you may wish to know before you decide to purchase your next investment property.

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How Does Marriage or Living Common-Law Impact Taxes in Canada?

If you are recently married or have recently entered into a common-law relationship, understanding potential changes in taxation and tax return filing requirements can be confusing and frustrating. This article is here to provide information on some common taxation related issues for married or common-law couples in Canada. It also lists some tax benefits for married couples in Canada that you may wish to know.

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Why You May Wish to Consider Having Independent Directors on Your Company Board

three people smiling at the camera

Whether you are looking to maintain or grow your business in the shorter term or to ensure that it lasts for future generations, you may wish to consider having independent directors on your company’s board.

Founders of the business may initially resist for a range of reasons, including a feeling of a loss of control, a reluctance to share information with outsiders, or an unwillingness to let outsiders to tell them what to do. These are all valid concerns; however, here are some reasons why you may wish to include arm’s length members on your company’s board.

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