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Disadvantages of Robo-Advisors: They Don’t Hold Your Hand

Robo-advisors were first introduced in 2010. It is predicted that robo-advisors will manage in excess of $US16 trillion by 2025. With such a large proportion of investments being directed mechanically, it is crucial to understand how robo-advisors work and what the disadvantages of robo-advisors may be.

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What is an Investment Philosophy and Why Does it Matter?

Investment Philosophy and Why Does it Matter

A well-conceived and concise investment philosophy is widely held as crucial to investment success.

It may be even more important than an investment strategy, as your investment philosophy is the precursor of your investment strategy. Investment strategies may require adjustment with changing personal circumstances and market conditions, while your investment philosophy keeps you focused on your long-term objectives.

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You Need to Know About These Passive Investing Risks

Passive Investing and Its Risks
Passive Investing and Its Risks

True or False: Investing in passively managed funds *always* costs less and is lower risk than investing in actively managed funds or portfolios. The correct answer is false – passive investing can be not always lower cost and lower risk, and in fact comes with its own set of risks.

You need to know about these passive investing risks before you choose to invest in index mutual funds or passively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) over actively managed funds or personalized investment portfolios. We highlight some of the most important passive investing risks you should know.

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How to Invest in a Volatile Stock Market?

How to Invest in a Volatile Stock Market
Investing in a Volatile Stock Market

Volatile stock markets are a reality, but do not need to be a hindrance to building wealth over the long-term. Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc. is a Toronto-based independent investment manager who has been building wealth since 1985 through various market cycles for high-net-worth individuals, family offices, foundations, corporations, institutions, and trusts. In this article, we provide some suggestions help deal with investing during periods of stock market volatility even when there is no perfect way to foresee such periods, predict how long they will last, or predetermine the depth of decline they may cause.

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