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Author: Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc.

3 Tips on How to Save and Plan a Comfortable Retirement for Self-Employed Canadians

3 Tips on How to Save and Plan a Comfortable Retirement for Self-Employed Canadians

Being self-employed brings you the perk of greater freedom with the challenge of learning how to do many things on your own, including funding your own retirement. Understanding how to save for retirement and retire comfortably are incredibly important lessons you should learn sooner rather than later. Here are 3 tips on how to plan and save for a comfortable retirement for self-employed Canadians.

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Should You Use a Private Wealth Management Firm or a Family Office?

Should You Use a Private Wealth Management Firm or a Family Office

Are you a high-net-worth individual, or one who is responsible for making financial decisions for a high-net-worth family? Are you searching for an all-in-one financial advisory “solution” for financial planning to preserve and build your wealth along with the execution of that solution (not just a financial “plan” alone)? If you have answered yes to these questions, then this article is for you.

For most, the best solution may be found by engaging a private wealth management firm along with trusted specialist referrals as necessary. For some individuals and families, greater intergenerational wealth and planned business transitions lead to increased financial complexities which require more personalization. These individuals and/or families may benefit from a singularly committed family office.

But what differentiates a “Private Wealth Management Firm” from a “Family Office” and which is best for your financial circumstances? Read this article to learn more.

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How to Achieve Financial Goals through a Goal-Based Approach to Investing

We all have multiple financial goals, both short- and long-term. A goals-based approach to investing can help you stay on track to achieve your financial goals. What is a goals-based approach to investing, how can you achieve your financial objectives through a goals-based approach to investing, and what are the benefits of this approach?

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How Does Marriage or Living Common-Law Impact Taxes in Canada?

If you are recently married or have recently entered into a common-law relationship, understanding potential changes in taxation and tax return filing requirements can be confusing and frustrating. This article is here to provide information on some common taxation related issues for married or common-law couples in Canada. It also lists some tax benefits for married couples in Canada that you may wish to know.

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