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Author: Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc.

Why You May Wish to Consider Having Independent Directors on Your Company Board

three people smiling at the camera

Whether you are looking to maintain or grow your business in the shorter term or to ensure that it lasts for future generations, you may wish to consider having independent directors on your company’s board.

Founders of the business may initially resist for a range of reasons, including a feeling of a loss of control, a reluctance to share information with outsiders, or an unwillingness to let outsiders to tell them what to do. These are all valid concerns; however, here are some reasons why you may wish to include arm’s length members on your company’s board.

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CPP Philanthropy™ Strategy

Watch Kevin Willis of Bloom Investment Counsel Inc. join Mark Halpern of for a discussion of the CPP Philanthropy™ strategy.

“If you can convert taxes into charity, how great would that be?” For most wealthy clients, they may not need their monthly Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits to pay their bills. That money only gets taxed, re-invested and then taxed again. CPP Philanthropy™ is a strategy to be more charitable, maximize your giving and minimize your taxes. Learn four ways to utilize your CPP benefits for philanthropy.

Mark Halpern, Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP), Master Financial Advisor – Philanthropy (MFA-P) has helped business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, and affluent families for 30 years. As CEO of, Mark and his team specialize in tax-advantaged insurance solutions to protect families, create charitable legacies, and preserve estates.

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How To Pass Money To Heirs While Minimizing Taxes In Canada

Transfer Wealth Canada
Transfer Wealth Canada

Grandparents or parents of high-net-worth families who have amassed wealth beyond their personal needs may at one point or another contemplate how to pass money to their heirs, while minimizing taxes.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Over the coming decade, Canadian inheritances could hit $1 trillion. Some Canadians focus their attention on estate strategies to transfer their wealth after their passing, while others are keen to give during their lifetimes—but in both cases, wish to keep as much of their wealth intact as possible and shield it from taxation.

As we enter an age of unprecedented wealth transfer, you should be prepared. In this article, we highlight 4 ways to transfer wealth while minimizing the tax bite in Canada.

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How to Select a Charity and Build an Enduring Philanthropic Legacy?

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Leaving a philanthropic legacy is a great way to ensure that your name (or your family’s name) lives on and to make a positive impact on a cause or a community for generations. But how do you choose which charity to support in Canada?

Here are 3 important tips for making that decision, along with a way to generate the desired income for donation purposes, which we hope will help guide you towards making a meaningful decision.

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