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Talking to Adult Children About Their Inheritance

Talking to Adult Children About Their Inheritance

Do you feel uncomfortable at the thought of talking to your adult children about their inheritance? You’re not alone. In many families, the “M” word (money) can be a stressful and emotional subject.

However, delaying the discussion can create more anxiety for everyone. In this article, we provide some suggestions on how to approach the inheritance conversation with your adult children, when you are ready to do so.

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A Discission on Family Business Transition

Watch Kevin Willis of Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc. join Steve Legler for a discussion on family business transition.

“Every family is different and yet the same challenges [regarding family business transition] exist pretty well everywhere and all around the world […].When you work with someone who has the experience with other families, it can help you get over those hurdles.”

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What is Power of Attorney in Ontario and Why You Need to Understand it

What is Power of Attorney in Ontario and Why You Need to Understand it

If something should happen to you such as an accident or illness that impacts your ability to make financial and/or personal care decisions for yourself, then who will make those important decisions for you? That is why, once you have passed eighteen years of age (sixteen for personal care), you can and should have a Power of Attorney in place. This article covers the basics of power of attorney in Ontario and why you need to understand it.

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Why Life Insurance is an Important Part of High-Net-Worth Family’s Asset Allocation

Watch Bloom Investment Counsel Inc.’s Kevin Willis join Al G. Brown & Associates’s Elli Schochet for a discussion on why life insurance is an important part of high-net-worth families’ asset allocation and how to take advantage of this asset class to protect, preserve and build wealth.

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3 Reasons Why You May Wish to Consider a Prenup in Canada

3 Reasons Why You May Wish to Consider a Prenup in Canada

Are you planning to get engaged, or are you recently engaged? A prenuptial agreement (or “prenup” for short) may be the last topic you or your partner want to have a conversation about right now; however, when two people come together, it is a partnership, and you are joining your assets. Stay informed—here are three reasons why you may wish to consider a prenup.

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