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Stock Market Fluctuations and Your Retirement Decisions

What’s going on with stock markets and how does this affect your retirement decisions? If you are about to retire or have recently retired, then stock market declines and high inflation are probably causing you to lose sleep.

Entering retirement represents a major shift from actively earning income to depending on your investments to fund your desired lifestyle. Down markets and high inflation may cause you to alter your retirement plans. However, most experts say that you should not let these events deter your retirement and long-term goals.

There are some steps you can take to help lessen the effects on your investments and allow you to retire more confidently.

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How To Ease Your Transition into Retirement

Finally, your long-awaited retirement is approaching. But you feel stressed. Why is that? Perhaps you fear that no matter how much you’ve been looking forward to retiring, the feeling of being on “permanent vacation” will start to wear off. Or perhaps you fear that you will have more time but less money to spend.

Whether you’re already retired and are struggling with the life change or are planning to make the transition soon, this article provides tips on easing your transition into this new phase of life, and what you can do during retirement to find meaning and purpose outside of work.

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What Are Annuities and How Can They Work for You in Retirement?

What Are Annuities
What are Annuities

An annuity can help you turn a portion of your savings into regular income payments, providing you with a steady stream of income during your retirement years. Learn about how annuities work, the different types of annuities, and how annuities can work for you in your retirement.

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3 Tips on How to Save and Plan a Comfortable Retirement for Self-Employed Canadians

3 Tips on How to Save and Plan a Comfortable Retirement for Self-Employed Canadians

Being self-employed brings you the perk of greater freedom with the challenge of learning how to do many things on your own, including funding your own retirement. Understanding how to save for retirement and retire comfortably are incredibly important lessons you should learn sooner rather than later. Here are 3 tips on how to plan and save for a comfortable retirement for self-employed Canadians.

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One Source of Retirement Income You Should Know About: Dividend Income

Have you heard that living off dividends in retirement is a dream shared by many investors? If not, don’t worry—this article is here to bring you back to the basics so that you too can learn about this source of income and take advantage of it (even today) for your retirement years.

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