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Here’s Why Dividend Investing is Not Just for Retirees

Here’s Why Dividend Investing is Not Just for Retirees

You may have heard about retirees living on dividend income, but is dividend investing just for retirees? If wisdom comes with age, and retirement planning almost universally includes increasing portfolio allocations to dividend-paying, income-producing equities, then should we follow this sage advice much sooner? Many people have the impression that dividend-paying stocks are not as exciting as growth-oriented stocks—we don’t agree with this. Here’s why dividend investing is not just for retirees.

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How to Be a Successful Long-Term Investor

“The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.” – Warren Buffett.

How can you become a successful long-term investor? What separates highly successful investors from the majority who achieve average and below market returns? It is not pure luck but the disciplined adherence to a long-term investment plan and the application of that plan through consistent investment habits. This article provides tips to help you become a successful long-term investor.

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I Want to Invest: Where Do I Start? Who Do I Speak To?

Most of us were not taught about personal investing, either at home or in school—but it’s never too late to learn! Where do you start? Who do you speak to? This article provides a step-by-step process, along with a bonus tip on an investing habit that will almost effortlessly contribute to your long-term financial wellbeing.

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Is Dollar Cost Averaging the Right Investment Strategy for You?

Is Dollar Cost Averaging the Right Investment Strategy for You?

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA), also referred to as unit cost averaging, incremental averaging or cost average effect, is an investment strategy intended to minimize the impact of volatility when investing. What is dollar-cost averaging, what are its benefits and drawbacks, and is this investment strategy best for you? Read this article to learn more.

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Where Do Dividend Investors Fit within Growth and Value Investing Styles?

As a follow on to our articles Growth vs. Value Investing—How do These Two Styles Differ? and Can You Be Both a Growth and a Value Investor?, in this article we focus on income (dividend) investing as it pertains to equity portfolios. What is income (dividend) investing and where do dividend investors fit within growth and value investing styles?

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