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Author: Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc.

4 Financial Tips for New Parents to Financially Protect You and Your Child

Having a baby is exciting news for first-time parents. But raising and educating a child involves new financial considerations and new decisions to make. As well, unforeseen events require you to have contingency plans in place. We hope these four financial tips for new parents will help you plan ahead to protect you and your child.

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How Dividend Portfolios Can Preserve and Build Wealth, Even During Recessions and Bear Markets

investment flow

Did you know that, over the long-term, consistent dividend-payers have realized higher returns with less risk than non-dividend paying stocks? In this article, you’ll learn how dividend portfolios can preserve and build wealth in the long term, even during recessions and bear markets.

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One Source of Retirement Income You Should Know About: Dividend Income

Have you heard that living off dividends in retirement is a dream shared by many investors? If not, don’t worry—this article is here to bring you back to the basics so that you too can learn about this source of income and take advantage of it (even today) for your retirement years.

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ESG Investing: A Closer Look

ESG investing, the acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance investing, is becoming a bigger focus in the media. While some investment managers solely focus on ESG in their investment selection process, others may only focus on one part of ESG such as Governance.

This article discusses the rise of ESG investing, the ESG framework, and proposals to enhance ESG disclosure to investors.

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Life-Changing Events that May Mean It’s Time to Update Your Will

Drafting a will is an essential step of any estate plan. But creating a will is not a one-time event. When should you update your will?

While the length of time between each update may vary, there are several life-changing events that may indicate it’s time to update your will. This article lists some of these events.

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