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Author: Bloom Investment Counsel, Inc.

3 Ways to Become a Philanthropist

hand holding a heart

Philanthropy is a powerful way to make a positive impact on society. It is an act of giving back to the community by providing financial and other forms of assistance for charitable purposes. Becoming a philanthropist involves taking responsibility to help those in need and requires dedication and commitment to make a difference in people’s lives. In this article, we will discuss 3 ways you can become a successful philanthropist.

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Are Short-Term Investments Good for Building Wealth?

short term written in wooden letters with a light bulb

Does your portfolio include short-term investments? Short-term investments are an important component of a well-balanced investment portfolio. While they typically provide a lower level of return than long-term investments, they also provide a lower level of risk.

You can also use short-term investments if liquidity and immediate access to cash are more important to you than higher investment returns.

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Financial Advice for Retirees and Seniors

financial advice for retirees and seniors

Retirement is a big milestone in your life, and planning for it in advance is important. While you can save for retirement in many ways, if you are a retiree or a senior, you should be aware of the financial advice that can help you make the most of your retirement years.

In this article, we provide financial advice for retirees and seniors to help you make the most of your retirement funds. We discuss topics such as budgeting, managing debt, estate planning, and more.

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Strategies to Minimize Capital Gains Tax

Strategies to Minimize Capital Gains Tax

The purpose of investing is to maximize your returns. However, the more you make when you sell investments for a profit, the greater your capital gains tax. Thankfully, capital gains receive more favourable tax treatment than ordinary income and there are legal strategies to minimize your capital gains tax even further.

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Financial Advice for Young Adults

Financial advice is important for young adults. As they enter adulthood, they are faced with many financial decisions that will have a lasting impact on their lives. It is important that they understand the basics of budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt to successfully make sound financial decisions. Unfortunately, many young adults are not aware of the importance of financial planning and budgeting.

With the right guidance and advice, young adults can make informed decisions that will help them secure their financial future. This article will provide advice on how young adults can get started with financial planning and budgeting so that they can make the most out of their money.

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