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Tips To Protect and Build Family Wealth For High-Net-Worth Families

Building wealth is the process of generating and maintaining long-term income from your assets. It also entails protecting your wealth. We’ve all heard of the basic formula—earn more money than you spend, save, and invest wisely—but if you are responsible for the household investable assets of a high-net-worth family, what else can you do to protect and build family wealth? Here are some tips.

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Altruistic Actions: Your Guide To All Things Philanthropy

flowers in hand

When you think of a traditional philanthropist, who do you picture? With the philanthropic space so often dominated by very wealthy individuals, it can at times feel intimidating to enter into this endeavour if you feel you don’t quite fit that description. The truth is, philanthropy is not limited to the ultra-elite, and the charitable giving space is constantly being rewritten to invite everyone in on their own terms. The community is always open to deriving new ways to contribute, support redesign and redefine what it means to give—and doing it together.

Whether you’re an ultra-high-net-worth individual, high-net-worth individual, or still working to build your wealth, there is a place for you in the philanthropic space. Read this guide to understand all things philanthropy, including what motivates one to give, the main difference between charity and philanthropy, how to select an organization to give back in Canada, and more.

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How To Start Capitalizing On Rental Income—Property Or Not!

How To Start Capitalizing On Rental Income—Property Or Not!

Do you have someone in your life who seems to have complete financial independence, and wondered how they got there? It’s very common for financially successful people to own a property, or even a few and rent out for extra income. While owning a property can be very lucrative, there are a fair share of downsides associated with it, such as high upfront costs, property taxes, and volatile markets. In this guide, we shed light on one of the best kept real estate investment secrets—an alternative to owning a property and renting it out that still lets you reap the benefits of rental income.

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Key Differences Between Day Trading And Investing

The rise of the retail army in equity markets has drawn our attention to a big misconception we often see online—that there is little difference between day trading and investing.

The truth is that day trading and investing are two completely different investment strategies. This article discusses some of the key differences between day trading and investing that are not just about the holding period of stocks.

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Single-Family Office And Multi-Family Office: Which Type Is Right For You?

Single-Family Office And Multi-Family Office: Which Type Is Right For You?

As wealth accumulates, so does financial complexity. For this reason, many wealthy individuals pursue a holistic and multi-disciplined style of managing wealth through family offices. Do not worry—family offices vary in source (single-family or multi-family) and size (assets under management), therefore you don’t have to be Bill Gates or descendants of Rockefeller to understand and consider this approach to wealth management.

What is a single-family office and a multi-family office? In this article, we will focus on each type of family office to help you explore what type of is right for you.

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